Post by FOA Team
As detailed in the previous installment, if you’re likely to choose wallpaper that features some sort of pattern or design – as opposed to a solid color – you should select one that relates to the existing décor in a complimentary fashion. It’s important to get a match as close as possible to the prevailing theme, be it a color or design, which could be set by either the present upholstery, furniture, curtains, floor type, etc…
If a pattern is already prevalent among the housewares, choose wallpaper that is comparatively smaller pattern-wise. On the other hand, if it is already particularly small, then a larger pattern would be appropriate. Also, if a room is design-heavy, solid colored wallpaper would provide a welcome contrast. For a sense of uniformity, combine multiple designs that are alike in size. Balance may also be achieved by using large patterns in small rooms and vice-versa. Either option can work in a room that is already busy with a mix of furniture, windows and/or doors for creating a lively visual aesthetic.

For a sense of dimension, choose something from the textured variety. This can include embossed, velour-like flocked paper that will typically feature a raised pattern, or grass cloth wallpaper that is inspired by forms of nature. Either is perfect in the modest setting of a den or home office. Of course metallic paper can provide a sense of greater depth with its mirror-like qualities and is also great for reflecting and providing more light in dim locations.
Interestingly, your choice of decor can also have an effect on space perception, a trick that simply relies on the scale of the pattern printed on the wallpaper you choose. For instance, any room may appear cozier when paper that features a large pattern against a dark background is employed. And if the desire is for a certain room to appear bigger, the same concept applies – paper with a miniature pattern can achieve such semblance.

And, as many wonder, can anything be done to give the illusion of a higher ceiling? Height is coveted for personal stature and the same goes for rooms. Striped wallpaper of the vertical sort will create a sense of tallness. Similarly, bold horizontal lines will add to an impression of greater width.
Now that we’ve offered some ideas that will allow you to be creative, work with them – “take the ball and run with it”! Be bold, there are no real rules. Let your imagination inspire you and the best results will materialize!