
Designer’s Corner: Accessorizing Shelves


Post by FOA Team

Accessorize your shelves with personality! Explore your local thrift store and you just might find the unexpected; a polka dotted bowl, a fluffy plant, a faux typewriter or camera, some books and a random statue of a Chihuahua. 80% of the accessories in this photo can be found at a thrift store. Your shelves will look amazing and no one will ever know how much money you spent! Here are a few ways to spruce up your shelves.

Use books

Unless you have a collection already, the price of brand new hardcover books could add up. The thrift store is a perfect place to find books, and at a fraction of the price. Whether you want almost new books, or a well worn rustic look you can find books to suite your need.

Here are a few rules for books:

  • Hardcover only, paperback looks tacky.
  • Take off the paper covers on the majority of your books.
  • Coordinate by color.
  • Leave enough room for accessories and tilting or stacking.


Add some greenery

As covered in our past blog, Designer’s Corner: A Touch of Greenery, adding the right touch of greenery is an excellent way to liven up your home. For shelves, less is more. One small faux bush or a succulent in a unique container is enough.

Picture frames

Same as plants, use sparingly. Try to use close up shots as they stand out better from a distance. Look for frames that compliment your shelving. Again, thrift stores could prove to be a great place to find picture frames that fit your decor needs.


Reflective Items

It could be your picture frames, or a mercury glass plant pot. Regardless, look for something to add a bit of shine to your shelves. The reflective surfaces add a touch of light that make your shelves pop with life.

Having trouble getting started?

You can always pick a theme and follow that, for example a coastal vibe with colored bottles and driftwood pieces. Or follow the seasons and give yourself a reason to keep your shelves updated; a spooky Halloween theme, followed by autumn. The possibilities are only limited to your imagination! If you feel like sharing your creations, Tweet us or tag us on Instagram @foagroup we’re excited to see what you come up with.



3 thoughts on “Designer’s Corner: Accessorizing Shelves

  1. Rob McDermott

    Always love the money saving tips! This idea of shopping at thrift stores for decorating shelves is a great idea and use of hard covered books is a new one, completely loved the way it came up in pictures.

    1. FOA Team Post author

      We totally agree, Robin. Not only do the books make it look classy, it’s also great to have your previous reads in plain sight, just in case you need a refresher down the road! A book is not always the same read the second time around. 🙂


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